Co-Regulation and Holiday To-Do’s!
I have a long to-do list this week! Holiday cards to write and mail. Presents to wrap. Trips to the post office! Fortunately, I can think of many competent roles for my boys, so we can share the work. I plan to further set myself up for success by making hot chocolate together first and letting them choose holiday music that we can listen to while we work together. I know these little things will help with their investment and enjoyment of the process.
Below are some quick ideas of how you can engage your kids in these holiday to-do’s, no matter their age, using a co-regulatory framework and competent roles mindset. (“Competent role” means: They can do it on their own, with just a little bit of time and/or a little bit of help).
Some roles may seem simple, but they can all be meaningful while helping you slow down just a little, to enjoy these small moments together. And, as your kids are ready for more of a challenge, you can add complexity to their role by transferring some of your responsibility to them.
Importantly, as you engage kids in your holiday to-do’s, you will be expanding their skillset, while also creating memories and moments of connection, which you can reflect back on next year!
Have a great week!

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